Maureen Rae Yoga
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Maureen Rae

Registered Nurse (Ret.)

Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher E-RYT200 Yoga Alliance

Studied with Erich Schiffmann, T.K.V. Desikachar, Angela Farmer, Gary Kraftsow, Seane Corne, +++

Recipient of the Canfitpro Presenter of the Year Award

Teacher of Teachers – over 1,000 New Canadian Yoga Teachers

Studio owner for 2 decades

Even though the bullet points above are prestigious in their own right, Maureen’s greatest accomplishment is the development of her own Self through the ancient practice of Yoga.

‘What Is Yoga?’ is the opening and welcoming question asked of the new students in every one of her teacher trainings. The answer: Yoga is about the quieting of the fluctuations of the mind, sayeth Patanjali, the author of the Yoga Sutras, written around 2,000 years ago. When the mind is quiet, one can see within – not always to one’s own liking – but one has the chance then to effect change. Working with the Self to effect positive change is not always easy, yet so rewarding to attain peace of mind.

Anything can happen then…

Yoga, as described by Patanjali, details an 8-Limbed Path - which, when practiced over time, describes a roadway by which to flower – yes, to achieve one’s highest potential. To blossom.

Finding the appropriate yoga therapies, and working with them over time, Maureen has been able to quell the bouts of anxiety and depression and low self-esteem that have been companions since early days.

The Lotus Flower is a symbol of Self-Actualization - having begun its life at the bottom of a muddy pond, sending roots down into the mud, and gradually over time, moving toward the Light.

Maureen is truly passionate about sharing Yoga with others. She sees this ‘work’ as her raison d’etre, her purpose in being here on the planet. Gentle postures along with breath practices and guided meditations create a safe and secure space for the magic to unfold.





Hard to believe it was near 15 years ago I got my chair  yoga certification from you and was the first one in the city to teach chair yoga. That is no surprise because we are always ahead of our time — aren’t we? Thank you for being a ray of sunshine in the lives of so many.

When you toss that pebble in the pond we never know how many ripples will go out from it…and for me you have been a kind and constant “ripple maker“. So many times I brought your teachings to my classes over the years! – S.B.

 Your classes and studio have been the highlight of my week since I started.  They served to rebalance and reenergize me so that I could face the rest of the week. They have helped me to strengthen my physical body as well as help me deal with my emotions, develop spiritually and clear my mind. I am so grateful to you for providing me and others in the community with the opportunity to heal ourselves on so many levels while truly enjoying ourselves. I so very much loved those yoga dance classes which combined all that you taught into one class, Nia, yoga, martial arts, weights, tai chi, and cardio. 
— F.A.

I was so sad to hear the news of your beautiful yoga studio closing , after reading it I had a good cry.  You have such compassion for others and taught  your classes with all your heart all the instructors are amazing.

 It was a place where I felt safe and never judged  and accepted , I called it my sanctuary , it was a  place when i needed to decompress  and release my stress , it was my go to place it was like a home , after leaving a yoga class at your studio i felt a sense of joy and self worth and a place where i did something just for me which I rarely do.

 I want to thank you for always making me feel special and loved and welcomed whenever I walked into the studio, I truly will miss it so much i can’t describe how heavy my heart is, there will never be another  place like your studio ever again, it was like a home to me and many others as well.   — E.H.

Thank you for creating a spiritual haven for all of us. The classes in the studio always reminded me that the answer to most questions in life begins with love -- love of self and others.  Once again, thank you so very much for that.   — E.P.
