Maureen Rae Yoga
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I was saddened to read your news of the closure of the studio.  I understand the decision and recognize how difficult it must have been to make that decision.  The studio was more than a business to you, it was love.  You created a space that was a calm and peaceful haven with a sense of community.  It was a great refuge for me during some difficult times.  I am grateful that I was able to experience it.  The way you have taken forward is shows us all that change happens and how to move forward in a positive and optimistic manner. — K.T.


I truly have fond memories of the studio and always remember the clear direction you provide when teaching me yoga throughout the years. I know that I have mentioned this to you before, but your yoga studio has been dear to my heart before and after my son’s birth. It was the sense of calm that I received there which helped me to become pregnant.  Really! 
— T.Q.

You and your studio were my yoga light. You are a great instructor, really much more than that to your beautiful community of yogis, as you always called us. And your studio is such a very beautiful place to practice, with the daylight and summer breezes, there is just no place better.  — C.C.
